Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Empathy vs Sympathy

Empathy vs Sympathy

I watched this video this morning and it really resonated with me.  I am definitely the one trying to find the silver lining in many situations.  It really reminded me to listen deeply to those around me and to just receive the information they are giving me and empathize instead of placing my judgement or opinion on the matter.  
Any thoughts on this?


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy Holidays!!

Wow this month is really flying by!  Have you had a chance to squeeze your yoga, meditation and relaxation in this month?  Remember that when you are busiest, is when you need it the most!  

I will be in Michigan in a week and I have been emotionally preparing myself for the craziness of family and friends I haven't seen in a year.  The drastic change in weather from Florida to the wonderful ice and snow that graces the mitten this time of year.

Took some much needed time to learn some Qigong along with some movement and breath work.

 Now I just need to incorporate it on a daily basis, the simplicity is amazing!

Remember to stop and take that much needed moment to receive in this giving season.  Receive the love and grace that your mind, body and spirit  so desperately need.

Peace, love and happiness,