Sunday, March 31, 2013

1st Yoga Sculpt Class Tomorrow!

HI Everyone!

Tomorrow please join me at Lifetime Fitness in Canton
I will be stepping in for the Yoga Coordinator, Heidi to
teach Yoga Sculpt at 9:45am in Studio 1

To try it first or see what Yoga Sculpt is check out the link below:



*new schedule will be posted tomorrow*

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3 Adjustments tips

Making minor adjustments to your yoga practice can really improve your overall experience.  If you are feeling pain after your practice, talk to your instructor and maybe they will be able to help give you some tips.  Here are a few things that I recently started working on in my practice and the minor changes have been great.  With all the instructors talking through each pose, the basics are so easy to forget and make such big difference!

  • arms/hands
    •  distribute the weight throughout your fingers and palm gripping the mat.  Make sure that your muscles are holding you up, not just the skelton.  this has really helped w/my shoulder pain, along with some great should stretching poses!
  • Ujjayi breath
    • engage the core, the breath will naturally direct itself to the back of the throat and give you that nice darth vader sound as your breath goes in and out.  Keeping to my breath, allows me to stay calm and focused. 
  • Bridge
    • as you are laying on your back tilt your pelvis and make sure you are engaging the core and lifting while elongating from the knee to the shoulder, feel length in the spine.  Opening the chest and creating space in the spine.
    Hope these tips help, it's just a few.  I am always modifying my practice and making changes to increase the integrity. Maintaining my ujjayi breath, engaging my core, and staying present and active in every pose. Every day is a new journey and path of transformation.

Now it's back to the mat!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Yoga Basics

A lot of the people I talk about yoga with are interested in trying it out but are a little intimidated.  Here are some things that you need to know to help ease you into practicing yoga. 
5 need to know for beginning yoga

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is selfless service.
Practice Karma Yoga with us the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month
We come together to connect  with the local community through volunteerism. 

Saturday, March16, 2013
Project: Distribution Center
Time: 9-12 am

Call (313) 655-YOGA or Email
To sign-up
Many different interpretations of the word yoga have been
handed down over the centuries. One of these is to “come
together,” “to unite.”
                                                                    -p.5, The Heart of Yoga, T.K.V. Desikachar                                                            


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Know the Yogis

While helping grow peppers at D-Town Farm July 2009, Kerrie & Ruby also decided to grow 

Since that summer, they have studied and practiced yoga regularly. And so, every yoga class, meditation, teacher certification/training, yoga workshop, international journey, mission trip [etc] they participate in contributes to their passion to practice and share yoga. Check them out. Know the Yogis:) 

            Kerrie Trahan                                                                          Ruby Hurliman

Pics from D-Town Farm:

Know the Yogi- Ruby

Ruby Hurliman is currently living in Orlando, Florida.  She is a continuing yoga student and aspiring yoga teacher.  She's been practicing yoga on and off again for the last 8 years. Throughout her time in South Korea practicing hot vinyasa yoga, she realized the power yoga has though all language and cultural barriers.  She continues to practice a variety of yoga styles but really enjoys hot power yoga.  She also attended a 10 day Vipassana meditation course in Japan and strives to continue her daily meditation and mindful practice. "Yoga and Meditation continue to change who I am and how I see the world."  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The breath is the most important things that we have and the best tool to calming the mind and body.  One breathing technique is Alternate Nostril Breathing.  It balances the right and left brain.   I was reintroduced to it the other night and it really balanced things.

Video on Alternate Nostril Breathing

Peace, love and happiness,

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stay Present at Wat Pho

Do not dwell in the past, 
do not dream of the future, 
concentrate the mind 
on the present moment.

Check out a few more pics I took of Buddha and the grounds of
Wat Pho in Bangkok, Thailand
Temple of the Reclining Buddha: 

@ the beginning of my yoga journey in 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand

-Kerrie T