Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Birth Chart

Today is my lovely mother's 53 birthday and in honor of her day of birth.
 I'd like to share how you can find out your birth chart.  Personally, I find astrology very fascinating and I'm always on a quest to learn more about myself an those around me.  There is a world of information out there and you can use it help live life to the fullest.  

Perhaps it was written the minute we were born.

You will need
  • date of birth
  • year
  • time
  • location 
Enter it into this site. 
Birth Chart

Let me know if this gives you any insight into your self, or a loved one.

Oh and Happy Birthday Mom!

1 comment:

  1. As you said, I visited your site and I just checked my birth chart, you know what I got, I got exactly the same result which is similar to my kundali. So this is a good way to get birth chart by online.
